

B224 Roof & Central Heating Replacement

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The project involves roof system demolition and replacement for the B224 roof & central heating plant.

Barracks B24 and B25 Renovations

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Luxton Construction was awarded the Barracks B24 and B25 Renovations in Comox, BC.

CBSA Aldergrove Crossing Canopy Assessment and Repair

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Luxton Construction was awarded the CBSA Aldergrove Crossing Canopy Assessment and Repair Project.

Crabapple Sewer Lift Station S103 Upgrade Project

Luxton Construction was awarded the Crabapple Lift Station project by the Resort Municipality of Whistler. The project saturated in March 2020 and was completed in November of 2020.

Salt River Day Use Kitchen Shelter

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Luxton Construction was awarded the Salt River Kitchen Construction project by Parks Canada. The project started in July 2020 and was completed in October 2020.

Waterton Helipad and Fueling Station

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Luxton Construction was awarded the Parks Canada Helipad and Fueling Station project. The project started in May 2019 and was completed in November of 2019.
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