Waterton Lakes National Park, AB
Work under this contract included the removal and replacement of site furnishings; topsoil stripping and site grading; relocation of Fuel Barrel Shed; grading, cut and fill of earthworks; construction of ditch north of Helipad and installation of a catch basin and culvert under the road approach and parking area; installation of a concrete pad for the touchdown and lift off area (TLOF) and concrete housekeeping pad for the fuel tank; installation of an irrigation system throughout the Safety Area and Apron; water supply from the existing Water Chlorination Building; secondary power supply from the Water Chlorination Building to the Windsock, Fuel Skid, and convenience receptacles; installation of piles and support frame for the PINSA marker monument and Windsock; secondary electrical distribution and fixtures; seeding and sodding; and other associated work as specified herein.
This was an environmentally-sensitive project. Luxton utilized a fleet of GPS equipped and programmable earth moving equipment. Automated Machine Control systems were utilized on all equipment to optimize the contoured excavations and minimize impact to highly sensitive flora and fauna.
Luxton limited the amount of imported materials by proposing a redesigned elevation for the helipad to minimize the amount of cut and fill. Luxton followed the sustainability best practices to achieve project objectives.