Fort St. James, BC
All infrastructure was removed and disposed of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) maintains cableway and hydrometric gauging stations across approximately 500 sites in the Pacific and Yukon areas. The hydrometric data support activities such as policy development, infrastructure design, water allocation, flood and drought response, recreation, navigation, ecosystem protection, and scientific study. Hydrometric stations typically consist of a “walk-in” or “look-in” instrument shelter and a cableway or metering bridge to measure discharge. Many of the hydrometric stations were built decades ago where structural degradation occurred over time. The site consisted of a tower approximately 4-5m in height and a single steel plate anchor on both banks. Infrastructure deficiencies and safety concerns required cableway decomissoning, removal of all cables and cable hardware, removal of A-frames, and removal of cable car for this project.