Mount Ozzard, Ucluelet, BC
The project was the construction of a new 450m access road. Work was performed at a remote location on a forest road on mount Ozzard.
Luxton maintained an emergency vehicle on standby for the duration of the project to follow its stringent emergency preparedness policies. This project was environmentally sensitive and comprised of: brushing and deactivation of existing road, right-of-way falling, clearing, and grubbing, tree felling, roadway and drainage excavations, culvert installation, quarrying, rock blasting, crushing, road construction, and grass seeding; Design and construction of new overhead hydro transmission line, connections to existing power line and decommissioning of redundant overhead hydro transmission line; Construction of concrete foundations and grounding for a 140’ self-supporting steel communications tower and cable bridge at Coast Guard’s communications facility at the summit of Mt.Ozzard; Site grading at Coast Guard’s communications facility at the summit of Mt. Ozzard.