Vancouver, BC
Luxton was awarded the Beaver Lake Environmental Enhancement project by the City of Vancouver. The project had multiple on-site consultants including geotechnical, environmental, archeology, Indigenous, and arborists. Luxton is a solution-oriented contractor; by maintaining open and transparent communication with the client, it allowed project issues to be rectified quickly and minimize any potential schedule impacts. There was minimal lay down area allocated for the project as it was in a public park. Utilizing a just-in-time methodology for material delivery allowed Luxton to operate efficiently on site while maintaining the surrounding park area for the public use.
Stanley Park is a high-risk archeological site. Luxton worked closely with Indigenous and archeological representatives to comply and adhere to all archeological requirements. This ensured that during bulk excavation all potential chance-finds would be handled according to contract specifications.
Beaver Lake and the inlet creeks are environmental sensitive and fish bearing. The work involved proper water isolation and fish salvage works for the instream works. Luxton was also required to maintain creek flow during the in-stream works. Luxton developed a pumping plan to remove water from the lake and diffuse it down stream. This allowed the stream flow to be maintained and avoided potential erosion concerns.
This project integrated circular economy principles by re-using material that was already on the project site. Trees that required removal for site access were kept and used as large woody debris inside the fish pond. Luxton also kept the majority of its bulk native soil excavated on-site. This material was used to create a creek bench to better define the limits of the inlet creek. This avoided having to bring in virgin material. Completing the site survey for the crane access plan allowed Luxton to exactly define the clear space required. This allowed Luxton to confirm tree pruning was required instead of full tree removal.